Jonah was a preacher
The Bible tells us so
God said go to Nineva
Jonah said, "Oh, No!"
On a ship Jonah got,
Trying to hide from God
God sent a mighty storm
As His correcting rod.
The sailors grew so frightened
As the waves grew so high
Poor Jonah was awakened
By the sailors fearful cries.
But Jonah knew that God
Had sent this storm to him.
If only he had listened
Things wouldn't be so grim.
The sailors threw him overboard
Much to their dismay.
But God is still in control
Even though we disobey.
For Jonah He created
A fish that gulped him down.
For three long days, the fish
Swam round & round & round.
Soon Jonah came to see
It doesn't matter where you run.
For God sees it all
After all He made the sun.
Jonah also came to realize
To Nineva he must go
to tell them just how much
God loves them so.
That God loves the sinner
Folks like you and me.
He sent His only begotten Son
To die on Calvary's tree.
His mercy, He will bestow.
You have only to believe,
That Jesus died & rose again
Open your heart to receive.
The moral of the story
Listen and obey
For God knows what is best
This is what we are to pray.