
Carolyn Hill
Carolyn Wheeler
Tammy Brock

Psalms 19:14 NIV

May the words of mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Luke 21:28  "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draweth nigh."

Romans 10:9  "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."

This past week has been a week of turmoil in the middle east.  When I first read of the attacks, I was shocked and then my heart began to sink as I thought that life as I have always known was coming to an end.  I remember growing up in a world where you left your windows open in the summer time as you slept at night.  You never locked your door.  People use to sit on their porches and visit.  You had 3 television stations that you had to manually get up off your little rear and turn.  Yes turn, no holding down a button as it scanned to the channel you wanted.  If my memory serves me correctly, you also had the Wednesday after school special which was a movie for kids that was moral teaching and uplifting.  You had 8 track tapes and 45's on the record player.  One of my favorite memories growing up was laying across my mom and dad's bed, with them and my brothers, listening to Jerry Clower.  Only mom and daddy had the entertainment system.  I remember riding in the back of a pickup and hanging on for dear blowing your hair like crazy, and every once in a while a strange insect would whip by.  I remember when gas was 89 cents a gallon.  And the only thing awful enough to send chills down your back was a brother hiding under your bed waiting to scare the daylights out of you when mom turned out the lights.  Hollywood has over done it on the special effects.  One of my brothers, and I'm not naming names, would wait for the precise moment to reach a hand up from the side of the bed......and as you guess, I slept with mama and daddy quite a bit as a child.  As I've grown older, I have begun to see changes rapidly, yes rapidly, go from a simple and safe existence to a crazy and scary world. 

 My heart breaks for the Americans who died a senseless death last week.  I do not want anyone downing or making fun of my Savior and Lord, but their are many who do, everyday.  I don't go out and kill an innocent person.  When I come across a movie that offends me, I get up and turn it off.  A part of me thinks that our government should withhold the aid we send them everyday.  If they don't want us there, let's get out and let them handle it themselves.  Let them see what it is like.  We have tried over and over again to help them and they refuse to help themselves.  You cannot make someone choose what is right for them, but you can show tough love.  Sometimes Jesus has to show some tough love to me.  They want our food but not us.  Why can't they see just how much Jesus loves them?  Jesus died for them.  Jesus died for you and me.  I don't understand alot of things, but I know that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, all seperate and yet all one and the same,  love us all.   Jesus is the Son of God.  Father, we are in your hands and we know that nothing can touch us except it comes by You first.  I pray for the protection of us in America and our people overseas.  For the innocent people all over the world who face persecution.  Father I believe it is too late for the majority of America, but there is still a small remnant who believe You and what Your holy word says.  Help us to be witnesses to boldly proclaim Your truths so that some might be saved.  Please help my unsaved family to be saved quickly and anyone who would be saved, so that you will come quickly and take us to be with you forever!!  Please help us to help to take care of Israel.  She is  Your chosen people. Please open President Obama's eyes and change his heart and policy towards Israel and the middle east. Amen!

Do I see my Savior coming...............................soon?       

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