
Carolyn Hill
Carolyn Wheeler
Tammy Brock

Psalms 19:14 NIV

May the words of mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Good Morning,

I just wanted  to say Merry Christmas to all.  I love the Christmas season.  I love my Saviour who came as a wee little baby to grow up and die for me.  And we have a chance at a white Christmas this year.   I love the Christmas tree and it's pretty decorations.  I love to watch old Christmas movies with my little one, when she will let me.  We have one central control chair in our home and it is every man (woman and child) for ones self.  As my sweet loving child is fond of saying right now "Last one there is a rotten egg."  Guess who usually manages to be the rotten egg, yep, me.  I love the cooking of candy and cookies.  I love being able to spend extra time, special time with my family.  Last night we played double dominoes with my sister-in-law, nephew, mom, dad and my wonderful husband. Now a street smart domino player I'm not, I have to count my dots and yes it takes a wee bit of time since we were playing the double domino thing, but it was fun.  We cut up and teased, something you don't normally get to do, especially since they live so far away and can't come in except every couple of years.  I realized last night how much I missed out on knowing them. Time is given to each one of us, exactly the same for every person.  Everyone gets 24 hours in a day.  Now what we do with it, is an individual decision.  Make special memories this Christmas.  We never know if it will be our last, so make a lasting memory.  May our Lord Jesus keep you all safe,   Tammy

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