
Carolyn Hill
Carolyn Wheeler
Tammy Brock

Psalms 19:14 NIV

May the words of mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


"Submit to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you."  James 4:7

Have you ever been rebellious?  Have you ever felt rebellious?

I mean have you ever just not wanted to do the right thing just for the principle of not doing it because it was expected and you were told to do it?  Have you ever done the right thing because you knew if you didn't you would get into trouble but down deep in your inner most being, you were mad because you had to do it?  If we are honest with ourselves, we often are very rebellious. 

God put several examples in the Bible for us to learn from.  One such character is Jonah.  After being rebellious by getting on a ship, going the opposite direction from which God told him to go and after being thrown into the sea, gulped down by a huge fish and then expelled onto the shore, he got mad and pouted upon the hill overlooking the city.  Jonah did what he was suppose to after he got into trouble.  God got ahold of Jonah in the belly of the great fish and changed his direction.  But Jonah was still fuming deep inside because he had to go to Ninevah.  He went but wasn't happy about going.  God loved him despite his bad temper and disobedience.  God caused a gourd plant to grown overnight for a shade for Jonah but God also created a worm to destroy the plant to teach Jonah about his secret rebellion. Jonah was very sad that the plant was destroyed and wished that God would kill him so he wouldn't have to suffer in the heat.  But Jonah didn't care if the human beings in Ninevah died he only cared that the plant died.

God wanted to teach Jonah that the people of Ninevah were of more value than a gourd plant.   God loved Jonah too much to allow him to wallow in self-pity and selfishness.  God loves us to much to let us get away with our rebellion.

My little one often gets very rebellious, yes even at the tender age of seven.  She wants all the good things her father and I can give her but she doesn't want the work that comes from being in a family.  When she is told to do something it usually takes being told several times and then it finally comes down to obedience but with a lot of stomping, tears, and a vocal "fine!"  Some days she is my little angel and there are others she wakes up in this mood like "if you tell me to, I'm not going to do it."  Needless to say I've been trying to listen to James Dobson "The strong willed child."  I love her with all my heart, but I love her enough to try to change her outer and inner will to be kind and respectful to those in authority.  She is a good girl.  She has a very strong will which will someday help her in her teen years and adulthood.  My duty is to guide her and teach her that God knows where she is every minute of the day.  He knows the exact location physically  and spiritually where she is.  That he loves her to much to let her continue in rebellion and He will use her strong will to change the world for His honor and glory. 

I don't think I was that strong willed, it must be my husband who was so 

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