
Carolyn Hill
Carolyn Wheeler
Tammy Brock

Psalms 19:14 NIV

May the words of mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Judges 14:  14  "So he said to them, 'Out of the eater came something to eat, And out of the strong came something sweet.'  Now for three days they could not explain the riddle."

Samson was an Israelite and a Nazirite (Judges 13:4,5).   But he let his love for beautiful things (women) get him into a whole lot of trouble.  God made men.  God made women to be beautiful to men.  God made a desire between the two.  God also set each nation apart for a reason.  When we start trying to cross the God separated borders is when we get into trouble like Samson. The verse above is taking place as Samson is throwing the feast for his young bride.  Samson made a joke of his experience of killing the lion and later eating the honey out of  a dead carcass.  Samson posed the above riddle to his 30 companions of Philistines.  It is my understanding that the 30 men Samson allowed to be the companions (protectors of the wedding) threatened the bride and her family for the answer to this riddle.   If the companions could correctly solve the riddle and explain to Samson in 7 days, Samson would give them 30 linen garments and 30 changes of clothing.  The linen garments were a much sought after item in Samson's day.  They were worn for special occasions.  And if the 30 companions could not solve the riddle then they would give Samson 30 linen garments and 30 changes of clothing.    The bride wept to Samson every day until he told her the answer, thus she betrayed Samson.  The companions went back to Samson with this answer:  What is sweeter than honey?  And what is stronger than a lion?  Samson replied in anger:   "If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have solved my riddle."

First thing Samson did wrong was to disobey God.  He ate the honey from a dead animal's bones.  God made the animal to begin with and God made the honey, but God had set Samson apart from his mother's womb.  So when Samson ate the honey, bad mistake.  Samson also looked upon the Philistine girl, bad mistake.  Samson wanted her for a wife.  Again bad mistake, she didn't know God as God.  She would have been a very bad influence on Samson.  Samson made jokes about what God said to do or not to do.  To me it seems he was not keeping God in a holy perspective.  Bad mistake.  The young bride didn't trust Samson to help her or her family from the threats of the companions, bad mistake, she was given to another man.  The Bible says she was given to the Samson's companion who had been his best man at the feast.  I don't know for sure, just my opinion, but I rather think he was the ring leader of the companions, thus the very one who threatened her to begin with.....just a thought. 

We are alot like Samson.  We choose to sin, and when it doesn't work out the way we plan, instead of asking our Lord and Saviour to help us in righting what was wrong and helping us not to sin again, we tend to try to pick up the pieces ourselves and move on thinking we have learned from the process ourselves.  Sin will find us, it is in us.  But if we have asked Jesus into our hearts as Saviour and Lord, He can help us when we sin.  The Bible tells us that we will reap what we sow.  What will you sow today?

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