
Carolyn Hill
Carolyn Wheeler
Tammy Brock

Psalms 19:14 NIV

May the words of mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Friday, August 3, 2012

"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein:  for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."  Joshua 1:8

There are several old sayings or old Chinese proverbs, as some might say, that come to mind when I read this verse.  "Put your money where your mouth is."  "If you talk the talk then walk the walk."  "Put trash in, trash comes out but if you put good in, good comes out."  I think of the horrible shooting that happened in Colorado at that movie theater.   What if that young man had been seeking God and reading the Bible and searching for Him, I would wager that that horrible night would never have happened.  But from what I gather from the new (and one should take with caution what  the news says) that he was a batman fanatic.  Some movies are uplifting and wholesome and in general just make you feel good.  Others tend to make you feel depressed or anger and sad after you watch them.    Trash vs Good?  Trash in, trash out, good in, good out.  Do the math. 

I need to be more faithful in putting myself in God's Holy Word.  I have more peace and joy in every aspect of my life when I obey this one scripture.  I've noticed through the years and I hate to admit that it has taken several years for the Lord to get my attention, that when I get in His Word, I doubt less, I do more for Him, I have more peace, and I'm just all around more happy with my lot in life.  Rich I'm not, but in love and family, I am truly blessed.  I've never gone to bed hungry.  I've always had shelter and clothes.  I've always had most of my desires, true desires, met.  God is good  all the time.  We can't take anything with us when we go, so why strive for material goods that will just rust or deteriorate in time anyway.  I may not have tomorrow, but I have right now today.  Oh, don't get me wrong, I want things, but it doesn't matter if I get them or not.  What should matter most is my relationship to Jesus.  The Bible tells us that if we seek Him first, the rest will be added unto us.  And why not help and uplift others to the Lord?  Is that not a better way to use riches?  There was  a young lady the other day just sitting on the side of the road crying.  The temperature was on the rise and they forcasted that day as being one of the hottest this year for our area.  My family and I were on our way to a neighboring town when we saw her just sit down on the side of the road.  We stopped.  When I got out and went to her, she was crying.  She said she had just gotten out of jail and her ride had put her out.  She had no money, no one to would come pick her up.  The Good Lord was watching out for her and us.  There are some criminals who stage just this type of scenario but in this instance it happened to be true.  And my brother, who is a policeman was with us so he knew what to look for.  Me, I'm gullible, all I saw was somebody's little girl who made some bad decisions with her life sitting on the road crying.  She was a grown woman and stubborn I might add, lol, she was bound and determine to get home.  She turned down our offer of taking her back to the town where she was released from.  So we did the next best thing, we tried phone calls for her, to no avail, so between us and a couple of  other drivers who stopped to help, we loaded her up with a couple of bottles of water, a towel and a couple of bucks.  That day I saw that the Holy Spirit still works through others when we allow Him to.  Not many people in this day and age (for safety's sake) will stop and help a stranger.  And I saw the Good Lord take care of me and my family.  Yep, God is good, all the time!

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