
Carolyn Hill
Carolyn Wheeler
Tammy Brock

Psalms 19:14 NIV

May the words of mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Scary places

Does this bring to mind a situation you once found yourself in?  One in which there seemed no way out or in the case of the fellows in the picture, no way down.  Can you imagine the feelings you might would feel?  I would think I would feel several.  One would have to be the awesome beauty around me.  Another would be the utter despair.  And even one might possibly be the thrill of danger, but that one wouldn't last very long.  I would also wager the thought of what have I done would come to mind.  But I think the very first thought would be "Oh My."  Sometimes the words "Oh My" can cover a multitude of situations.  Try them.  It doesn't always make you feel better, but at least your heard.  One shouldn't suppress their feelings, right?

I don't think I would have any thoughts here, because it wouldn't have happened in the first place. Nope not me.  I'm old and don't seek to end the life I have, at least not this way.

Well, I don't think I would find myself here either.  But this one would come more to happening than the whale one.  I think I would probably have a few trust issues with my partner. What about you?

These photos just made me think about the trust I have with my Heavenly Father.  Do I really trust Him?  It is easy to trust when both feet are on the ground and the world around me is calm.  But what about when I'm on the cliff?  There is no way back up, no way down and no way across.  What then?  What about coming face to face with the whale?  I still have a hard time with this one, because I can't ever picture myself there, but for the sake of argument, would the whale be hungry or full? I don't even want to think of that scenario.  The dudes climbing the tree, would I trust my Jesus to help me and my partner to put the pegs in the right spot?  Should I fall, would I trust Jesus to hold the rope so I wouldn't fall to my death?  I'm a wuss, I don't like pain in any form or fashion.  I love my Lord Jesus, but do I trust Him?  Do I trust Him in that He is who He says He is?  YES.  Trust that He saved me?  YES.  Trust that He is coming back? YES.  Believe that He is the Creator of all?  YES.  Believe that He is at work in this world, that His ultimate will will be done?  YES.  Then why do I not believe He will help me find a way up, down or across.  Why do I not believe He would save me from the teeth of the whale.  And why would I not trust Him to catch me if I fall.  And if He chose not to save me, He would still be with me.  For He promised in the Bible to never leave us nor forsake us.  I thank you, Dear Jesus that I have had a wonderful earthly father who loved me.  He never abused me.  Now I got plenty of spankings, but he loved me.  He gave me those spanking to try to mold me to have character and morals. He took us kids to places that he thought we would enjoy from time to time.  He tried his best to protect us.  Now he couldn't always catch me when I fell, but he did help me up.  Sometimes I think that my Heavenly Father should put a hedge around me so nothing bad could touch me.  But what kind of child would I be then?  Probably a spoiled rotten one.  I'm gonna try really hard this week to see my Heavenly Father as He is in the Bible and not as a worldly Santa Clause.

It is hard to trust what you cannot see, but does it make it any less real?  You feel the wind and see the results of the wind but you cannot see the wind.  Does that mean that there is no wind?  Just something to ponder upon.   

(The above pictures were some I found on the internet, I did not take these nor do I take credit for them.)

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