
Carolyn Hill
Carolyn Wheeler
Tammy Brock

Psalms 19:14 NIV

May the words of mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Jesus said that if we want to enter into Heaven we must become as a little child. 

 Little children are so innocent but they are also little sponges. They soak up what they are around.  They imitate what they see.   They say what they hear.   Children love to play and they want you to play with them.  They long to be with those that they love.  And they want their way.  Sometimes they are loud and messy, tired and cranky and other times they are quiet and asleep....(smile).  They have so much energy and spirit.  They love, trust and expect their needs to be met by those closest to them.  They love and trust.....that's it, they love and trust and expect.  The Bible tells us also to trust and obey.  To expect(believe) that God wants the best for our lives in every situation be it good or bad. 

Little children trust what you tell them.  Therefore, we really should be very careful of what we teach them.  My little one asked the other day if Santa was real.  Now her father and I tried to tell her a year or so ago that he wasn't real.  She wouldn't believe us because Santa had come before to our house.   When she was a toddler we embraced the idea of Santa, but we came under conviction about it.  We wanted her to believe in Jesus.  He is real.  Santa isn't.  And we thought that she might not believe us about Jesus if we kept up the charade of Santa.  She refused at that time to listen to us.  But the other evening she asked the question if Santa was real or not.  I then asked her if she really wanted to know?  I mean really wanted to know, she stated yes.  So I told her the truth that Santa wasn't real but that her father and I bought the gifts.  I could tell she had her doubts so I presented her with the tooth fairy truth hoping that seeing her baby teeth the tooth fairy would convince her.  Yes that did the trick but her next question just endeared her that much more to me if that were actually possible.  "Mama, will I still get presents?"  Well.... yeah!! 

God and Jesus love us so much.  Their love is perfect where as ours is not.  God and Jesus love us way to much to let us believe a lie.  Jesus proved His love by going to the cross.  God proved His love by sending His only begotten son, Jesus Christ to the cross.  God and Jesus both loved us way before we were even born.  They loved us in our sinful condition.  Let us  become as little children and run to the Lord with love, joy and expectancy.  Not for riches untold, but for the riches untold of the Holy Spirit and for our new life when we leave this old world behind us. 

If you confess with your mouth the LORD JESUS and believe in your heart that GOD has raised HIM from the dead, you will be saved.  For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes on HIM will not be put to shame."  Romans 10: 9-11

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