
Carolyn Hill
Carolyn Wheeler
Tammy Brock

Psalms 19:14 NIV

May the words of mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hebrews 13: 5 "Keep yourself free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you."

Never Alone

We don't always get to choose
The path we have to take
But if we lean upon the Lord
Each step is easier to make.

We often ask ourselves why
This had to happen to me
Maybe it was for someone else
That they might only see.

Perhaps God needed to show someone
That He alone can save
That fame, health and riches
Can quickly fade away.

It might be to show someone
His unconditional love
The doctors, nurses or family
In a world that pushes and shoves

To know the mind of God
We cannot understand
But God will only give to us
What He knows that we can stand.

Though God may choose a different path
That you must walk upon
He is the guider of your steps
You are never, never alone.

This scripture is true in all matters be it health, riches or fame.  Sometimes it is so easy for me to get caught up in the things of everyday that I forget who made the day.  As I've said before in earlier post, I've never yet been neglected by my Heavenly Father.  He has always provided my needs and often most of my wants, maybe not quite the way I would have chosen, but always it was for my best and for my protection.  And once in a blue moon, someone will come up to me out of nowhere and say something about the past that I never knew they or someone they knew were watching me and how I reacted to certain things and times.  The Bible tells us to be careful that we often entertain angels unawares, it will make you stop and think.  As I reflect back over my life and paths the Lord did allow me to choose, I see how God took care of me, even the consequences I had to pay for some wrong choices.  How many times have you heard, if I could go back and do things over......but I wouldn't be who I am today.  I just have to trust the Lord and give my past to Him.  I hate some things I did.  I cannot go back.  But I can go forward.  And I can confess the wrong and strive with His help to not repeat those same mistakes. Have a great day out there. 

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