
Carolyn Hill
Carolyn Wheeler
Tammy Brock

Psalms 19:14 NIV

May the words of mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

These I found off of emails and such, I do not take credit for them, but just thought a little humor might make a better day today.  So I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend and remember GOD loves you so much that HE sent HIS SON JESUS to die for you.  But it only gets better, JESUS didn't just die, HE arose and HE is coming get those who belong to HIM.  Do you belong to HIM?  You can.  Just talk to HIM like you would to your friends.  Tell HIM and mean it that you realize that sin is in your nature and is killing you.  Sin is anything that separates you from GOD.  Sin is anything you put before GOD.  GOD is holy and righteous and hates sin.  Sin says you don't need GOD, but you do.  Confess this to HIM, ask for HIS forgiveness.  Ask HIM to come into your heart to be LORD over your life.  Believe that HE will.  The BIBLE tells us that GOD gives us faith to believe.  The moment you ask HIM into your heart you are saved.  Faith is believing what you can't see, touch, smell or hear.   It is my belief that learning to trust GOD  is a life long process that you continually learn.  You cannot go by emotions, because they lie.  One day you feel saved the next not.  The BIBLE assures us that GOD will not leave us nor forsake us.  Get in HIS word even if it is one scripture a day.  Ask GOD to help you meditate and apply that scripture to your life.  HE will.  Here again, the BIBLE tells us that GOD is not willing that any one (man, woman or child) perish, that HE wants all to come to repentance.  If nothing else take a dictionary and look up the words in bold and underlined and do a study on them.  Get there meaning and take it to the BIBLE.  Do you see what GOD is really saying to?  HE is saying I LOVE YOU! 

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